Thursday, May 17, 2007

Louis Pasteur, Suresh Sir, John Nash and Beautiful Mind

The title itself summarizes everything. Well there are few statements in class lecture which wake me up from my daydreaming. This incident is one of them.

During our first Immunology class, Suresh Sir slowed his rapid flow of words (a rare incident in itself), a brief pause and pointing to reflection of OHP slide on wall he said "There is Louis Pasteur!!!" The thing that made the whole incident hilarious was the fact that I had watched the movie "A beautiful mind" the day before only. So in that movie Nobel Laureate John Nash sees people who do not exist. And in that fraction of second I convinced myself that I am attending class of another Nobel Laureate who sees Louis Pasteur as his student.

Another statement which could have paved way for a new theory in Particle physics had it been delivered in much more intelligent audience is "The strength of bond depends upon strength of bonds". Do you see the connection between Collective dynamics of nuclear particles, Reversal of space-time arrows in this statement!!!!

Gaurav Bhardwaj

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